how to flash ROM Xiaomi Mi3

hello again..
this time we come out with tutorial about how to flashing your xiamoi Mi3 ROM.
Please note that it is hightly recomended that you do backup your data before update, make sure your phone have enaught battery (50%+). And also please note that flasing ROM to the newer version (update) not need to  do a wipe datam but if you plant to do downgrade (flasing to older version of ROM) you do need to wipe data.

ther are several ways to flasing rom
#1. Using Updater app.
Download requaired files (the ROM) from here
Connect your phone to the computer, copy the downloaded ROM to the "downloaded_rom" folder in your internal storage. Create one if the folder doesn't exist.
Open your Updater App, pres menu button -> select installation file. Select the downloaded rom that you just copied, and then select "update now".
when the update is finished, choose reboot to get in the new system.

ok, next time we will give you more tutorial about how to flashing your Mi3 ROM using another method.


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